Three basic steps toward a positive mind: By Lilach Tzingoker
Some three years ago I joined an ashram; I gave up my job my furniture and my very much loved cat. I knew it was for the greatest good. I remember standing on top of a hill overlooking the nearby forest and thinking: ‘Oh boy what have I done!’
The simple life style that was practiced in the Ashram brought on many challenges, some of these challenges one will only face if he was to take on such journey. The lessons I have learned there however, can be shared to some degree:
While living in the ashram I didn’t n watch television, I didn’t watch movies read the newspaper or listen to the news, the world outside did not exist! My mind had no distractions, it had to face it’s on self. This is not a simple step for any one’s mind. The outcome was at first unpleasant, there was so much of myself that I had to face. As a result my mind became quieter, finally the observer gained the dominant place in the mind, now it was able to make choices and direct the mind in the desired direction.
Think about all the negative media around, gossip magazine, crime stories, bad marriage, terrorism and so much more. On top of which, the movies we all find so entertaining, are exposing us to an ever-increasing world of horror and disaster. While entertaining, the constant exposure to negativity is creating a busy and negative mind. More so, the nerves which are stretched in anticipation for a climax and tension, in a movie or any other entertainment form, are creating an addiction. A rash your body demands, you will recognise the need and say: ‘I feel like watching an action movie’. There is nothing wrong with watching a good action movie, however if you wish for a more positive mind try these few simple steps, once you have a positive mind you can watch action movies again.
I recommend a rehab form negative media:
First step: no more gossips magazines.
Second step; stop gossiping, simply cut it out of your conversation, the only person who suffer from the judgment is the one who judge, for you are the one who is left, it is such a waist of energy and such a waste of the use of one’s mind! Instead try and find the good in people, this may not be easy at first but with a daily effort you will get there.
Third step: try and cut out the new if you can, what good does it do to you? Can you change any of the crimes that are been reported? Instead surf the net for good stories, happy stories; these will remind you that there are many good people out there.
At this point in human development the negative force is louder, in my opinion it is simply part of human evolution, some of my friends think that humans are inherently faulty, I disagree, we simply did not learn to act differently, we are now with more aportunaty then ever before to open our minds and our eyes to changes from with in, this is the very nature of human evoltion.
We have the power to change, some may think that I am been naive, but I have seen the ugly side of humanity, I experienced it firsthand more than twice, I refused to lose myself to it. I am a living proof that good is stronger than bad.
Try these first few and simple steps in your everyday life, do not give yourself hard time if you did not achieve your goal every day, instead be aware of where you fall short, forgive yourself (very important!) and try again the next day. You will feel better; you will have more energy for much of your energy will be freed to be used in a good constrictive ways.
Go ahead give a go. You can even let me how it went...