What is positive thinking?
Why did a whole new industry sprang out of such a concept? the answer to that, is the very reality of our economic world, but it also means that there is a great demand for knowledge about how to better oneself. If there is a great demand for it there must be some who for all kinds of reasons cannot access this kind of information even thought they might greatly benefit from it.
First we will find out what a thought is, there are many variations to the answer, however it is my opinion that such a question can only be answered with limitations. Any one study is limited by time location and source of research and the researcher own point of view, if I find one thing more interesting than another I will search in that direction, leaving out all other possibilities, so like Einstein I too believe that we will never have complete knowledge while we are bound by the limitation of our physical body. Yet I believe we can use this limited knowledge to find more of it... and so the bank of human knowledge grows, but none of us can really read it all.... this is our limitation.
One way in which I define a thought is: the application of one’s mind in one direction. It is different to the random flow of thought, which is usually a repetition of something we have experienced through our senses, in one way or another. A real thought will be a fresh one which is the result of contemplation and observation of the situation in hand. But mostly throughout our daily life we function with the automatic pilot button on, not very often we press the off button.
And so we respond to events in our life in the same way day in and day out. We find it frustrating, mostly we don’t even know why, we only know that we don’t like how it feels. some of us might be content with the way things are going, and we are not really going to grow past the automatic life we have created for ourselves.
In order to turn off the automatic pilot we need to know where the off button is. This is where most people need help, there are many reason why most of us don’t know where the off button is, and the true is that for each one of us the off button is located in a different place that is why the help must come from one self, one must find the will power to go searching for that button. Just as people do when they decide to take action and quit whatever addiction they may have.
Once the off button is on however, we find ourselves with a new situation, our thoughts seem to be affected by our emotions and therefore controlled by them. One must then learn how to control ones emotions but not through reparation but through understanding of their origin. Than one will have to come to term with what one has found, the result will be growth. This all comes done to one concept: self awareness.
Once we are self aware we will have better understanding of everything and everyone. This is where positive thinking comes in handy, the whole big idea is that you will learn how to stop acting according to your automatic pilot and according to emotions which are holding you back, you will be free to find your full potential and develop your own special gifts.
I am waiting for the day in which all will be living in the moment, it is then that humanity will grow and the world wide society will live in peace with one another, we will find that life is not about who has more, it is about loving, growing and finding more ways to better ourselves, finally humanity will grow past its technology. call me a dreamer but everything you see around you has started with a vision and a dream, it is then becomes a reality, like the shirt you are wearing and the movie you are watching, even better, this words you are reading right now, this is the first step I am taking to do what I can for a greater humanity, why don’t you join me?
Welcome to my hub,
Yours, Lilach Tzingoker