Every article which I have posted here is an outcome off personal experience, this is important to understand and keep in mind as you read this article here. After years of personal transformation I have fallen of the wagon. It was as if my own little earth, had experienced and earthquake which was measured 10 on the Richter scale, all my new believes and all my hard work had fallen apart and turned to ashes. Here I am only days after, only just got myself out of bed and out of the negative paten which drove me to consider, the best way by which to end my life! No joking! This all real life event...imagine to have come out of homelessness twice, just in order to face it once again... I mean why bother right? What is the point of trying all this wonderful romantic ideas, of what life is like if you only change the angle from which you are looking at it? Frankly speaking the other angle is still there if you only just choose to see it. What does it mean in term of reality? Which is the truth? what is real?
Which brings me to ask a very important question; can a human been live without some kind of set of believes and/or guide lines ,by which ones defines one’s own existence?
Is it possible at all to go through life without having to conform to any believes what so ever?
What would happen to such a mind? I tell you what ... I almost lost mine! For our mind is very powerful and should always be under some kind of control. It is my believe from personal experience and the tireless number of time, which I had to find my feet again after a fall off mount Everest, that such freedom of mind can only be attained when one find real truth... unquestionable truth, which will pass all tests. Such a truth can only be found within the highest level of consciousness.
I never really got there but I was sure I was in a short distance of it in comparison to others, soon I found out though; such a place has no room for anything which is negative... if even one negative thought finds its way in some tricky manner into the mind who is in such high level of consciousness, that mind will fall real fast back down to planet earth, and yes one will have to admit that he has not yet reached that level of consciousness. I hold my hand up.
So while in bed refusing to allow any positive thought to sway me away from my miserable self pity, I considered all that I have learned,,, the different ways I have explored in order to come close to God, the number of time which I have come to face, that the very teacher which I was listening too, was unable to fallow that which he was preaching... the numbers of time which I had to question my methods of attaining some kind of spiritual existence, and the number of time which I realise that once again it was a dogma which was full of imperfections and human like emotional immaturity, which inevitably leads to a fault in the system.
Once a certain level of consciousness has been attained, though, it will push its way in until it wins the drivers sit once again... I did not give up easy thought, and refused to have to find my feet again, I didn’t want to find a greater purpose to my life... I was full on suicidal! Yet the positive mind I have attained refused to let go. Happy ending, the good won once again and here at it again: I tell you guys... life is worth fighting for.... and the only thing which will stand the test of the ups and downs in life is a positive mind.
Every article that I have wrote so far, has a stronger meaning for me today... for it is all still valid even thought, I have once again, had to through away some of the preaching which I have fallowed... I have come to face a new understanding. One thing surly did not change; God loves us all and have endless ways of reaching out to us, it is us who are blind and cannot see past our limited perception, we all have the potential though, to find this higher truth which is God. You cannot have a higher consciousness without the acknowledgment that there is such a thing as a higher truth, where would you aim the development of your consciousness if you cannot make such an acknowledgment?