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Thursday, August 4, 2011

who am I

Who am I?

The only people who end up looking deeper into their own existence are those who ask the above question. What kind of a being are we? We don’t even know who we are, most other living entities have an inherent paten, they just know what to do, how to raise their young, give birth eat and drink without over doing it or under doing it, they even know when a natural disaster is near. Take rats who can tell danger before any human will and they will find a way out before a human will. So are we, as a race more advanced?     

Human are complex, just the very fact that it takes years for our young ones to be ready for an independent life is a clue to our level of  complexity in comparison to other form of life, it is also an answer to all the wonderful scientists on our planet, who continue to look in the mirror every day, and still wonder if there is a God;” how come he didn’t leave any evidence for his existence? I am a scientist and relay on data to find the truth...” what do they think is looking back at them when they are looking in the mirror or at the unsolvable quantum wonder?

It is also an answer to the single mother who told me once that anyone can raise a child, yet her one year old baby does not yet respond to her name....

Being a human is so much more than being a flower or a dog... is it not? If so what is it that makes us more....            and why is it that so many of us are hungry for a better life? Could it be the very paten of evolution, seeking ever increasing evolvement? Could it be that inside every each one of us, exist a potential super human, waiting for the opportunity to show how truly wonderful human beings are?

Positive existence will take us to the next step in human evolution, but thinking positive alone will not be enough, we must also act in a positive way. If you want to reach your full potential you must do every day all that you can do in order to get there, and then,  just as bacteria riches the next phase in its evolution, so would you... become the better version of yourself.

This requires a daily practice, just as a musician has to practice the same song again and again before he can play it perfectly and gain fame from it, being a human require a daily reflection with the fallowing questions in mind:

What good have I done today? Have I done all that I could do today? What else can I do to come closer to my goal?

But one must also allow the time for reflection and leisure, without it one cannot better oneself.

Now ask yourself again

Who am I?