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Monday, January 9, 2012

illnes and positive thinking

many ask me if one can will oneself out of an illness, by thinking positively.
while this is not a black and white kind of answer, I thought an article about a miss understood and overlooked detail will help...

positive thinking is about a relationship with one self and others, our conditioning, such as surrounding upbringing and education has much to do with how ones mind is going to operate, yet those alone don't always seem to be enough, some who come from very good influences seem to struggle just as much, and every one asks: what is the key?  what makes one make it?

the first rule is: you never ever stop trying... you never ever give up... just as an hungry animal will keep on looking for food no matter what! for humans the food comes from the mind... in every way.

what brings food to your table if not the fruit of your mind? could it be that health comes form the same place?  while the stage of cancer and aids are very late stages of a negative relationship with one self, it is never too late to change...

one once asked me how I made it out of homelessness...  such a situation in life can be more difficult than that of cancer, simply because one is totally alone... no family no friends no doctors just oneself and the  big empty space, which one fills with his own view about the world, and trust me it could be a dangerous place for ones mind! there were days I truly thought I was going to end up like my father who died homeless and drank, yet another part of me who learned to accept the situation and make the best of what iv got said: if this is it let it be a water front...

and so every day I would sit in front of the water surrounded by beauty and happy people, the story is to long for here but the point is: if you are ill and there is very little you can do other than take the treatment and hope for the best, then hope for the best, do every day all that you can do to get better, eat well rest well, feed your mind well, spend a healthy time with friends and family write your last few days journey, live every day as if it was your last. so if it was there will be no regrets!

you can spend your life crying about what you didn't have or you can use what you have to hav your own best life! do not compare your life to that of another, its like compering the result of your chemistry exam with a chemistry master... surly you will not look good next to him if chemistry is not your gift... instead find what you are good at, sharpen and strengthen what you have, then use it in your own special way...