they say God is love, what does one who do not believe in God think of such a saying... what do they think about love? where does the feeling of love comes from? how come some people love their children and some do not?
love is an emotion most people don't pay much attention too, they do not wonder about its origin and they do not question the emotions they feel to their children. I have been a nanny for a few children and was able to witness different kind of parenting styles. the thing is, that most people only have their own personal exp to go on, too often their own personal exp wasn't all that great.
now I need to connect the dotes, what does God have to do with it? what does positive thinking has to do with it? and how does the whole thing connect to... well, the way we love our children.
as one who found energy healing to be the greatest evidence to the existence of something greater than ourselves, I ventured further into the world of emotions and their energy. surly you agree that emotion generates energy, for example; you walk into the office and the boss is unhappy, you can feel the tension and know to be on your best behaviour that day, for who wants to mess with the boss on the day he's grumpy, right?
how come you can feel it? simply because of the energy that emotion eminent. that energy is received and translated into a reaction by your own energy filed, which is operating very much like one of the senses (some people are more aware of it than others). and so as we walk about our day and with our own personal emotions, we create an atmosphere around us.
when we meet someone who is happy, we want to be around them. how much positive energy one will sent out, depends on how open ones heart chakra is. (see my article 'opening of the heart meditation') ones level of consciousness is greatly connected to the heart chakra, for the more elevated consciousness one has, the more one can respond to their surrounding with love.
if consciousness and love are connected, and higher consciousness is somehow related to the great mysterious creative energy sometimes referred to as God, than it is very possible that God is love, is it not? (if you feel more comfortable to call it creative energy that's fine!) ,
while there is a great movement of positivity emerging, thanks for the vast free information we can all find at our finger tips, what do we do in order to pass what we have learned to our children? how can we make sure that our hard work, on our own personal growth, would be past down to our children, so that they will have a better starting point?
while practicing energy healing I witnessed A common patten; most people live their adult life with the patten of mind they developed as children, and so if their surrounding was positive, these children will grow into positive and successful individuals, those who grow up with a not so positive parent, will have a much harder start in life.
those who had a healthy upbringing don't always have a greater connection to their children, however they are able to give them a positive surrounding, be it a good nanny, schooling etc. what the children need, is for an adult to be an adult, who doesn't allow his own personal ego to come between him and his child, even more so when ones make decisions regarding their offspring's disciplinary action and the means in which they reinforce their own take on life, and what one think is best for his child.
such a task is not an easy one, for one has to be aware of ones emotions and their outcomes when dealing with their children. those who have a higher awareness usually have higher consciousness, for awareness and consciousness go hand in hand, and both are greatly connected to the heart chakra and how much love energy imminent from it. naturally the three ingredients bring one closer to the energy which is generated by the great creative energy of the universe.
to summarise the above; we all send out energy, which is a direct result of our emotions which are the fruits of our mind, where the events which unfold in our surrounding, are translated and evoke emotions accordingly. the more conscious we are the better control we have on how we respond to our surrounding, the greater ability we have to generate positive energy, when dealing with children, the above can make or break them.
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