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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

love and the child's soul

I am fascinated with life the purpose of it, why we are here what is life all about... I ask many questions and look at life from as many angles as I can. as someone who was homeless, a solder and an apprentice of the renounced order of life, I have a wide variety of angles form which I can reflect upon life.

Mostly I was stunned by what I have learned about the value of love, family and being a parent. I come from a background of dark negative world, people used to say to me:  'it must be hard without a family" my reply for many years was: "I never had a family and there for I don't know what I am missing".  slowly as I heal my pain and peal off the lairs of the iron shield I've built, I come to batter understand what  I have missed.

 And so, through observation of all that I did not have, and through the lounging for the perfect parents one could have had,  I learned about the value of a family. with every new understanding I have about the value of life and the big part love has in it, I become inspired to give what it is I never had, to as many children as I can, and so I write.

think about love, feel it, do not take it for granted. so many who has love take it for granted and give it a bad name. family is the most important experience and gift one can be blessed with. As the dark skies of my world were penetrated by the warm light of love, life and people, I felt warmth for the first time... tears of joy and pain filled my eyes. I felt as if God himself was holding me comforting me, as I realised just how much pain I have endured all these years. that feeling is a feeling of rebirth, of a new life. it gives everything in life a taste so intense I often smile and laugh.

I walk down the streets with admiration for every display of love I see, between parents and their children. I feel anger, when I see the opposite and have to control my strong urge, to get involved and protect the soul from its unforgiving parent.

In the Vedic literature, Motherhood is the most valued profession of all. Yes profession, being a parent is so much more than feeding the youngsters and making sure that they have all the material possessions they can have. been a parent is about passing on, every bit of wisdom you had the chance to acquire, with a gentle and loving approach.

Its about knowing that, your child is part of the big picture of what it is you are going to leave behind, its about knowing that our responsibility to the life force which is with in us, is to make sure that it could continue living through our children in the most beautiful way.

Our children are the future, they are the reason for every long term action we do. attend to your child with much love, spent time with your child, show him/her that you care. Remember that although we, humans, are able to adapt to every situation, we have souls which are made of pure gold. That gold shines less, with every negative impact, sometimes it gets covered by dark emotions, in such a large quantity that it forgets that it is gold. Make sure your child never forget that it is maid out of the purest, strongest yet fragile substance of all. the soul.


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