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Monday, September 20, 2010

too much positive thinking?

Too much Positive thinking,
Can there be an overdose of positive thinking?  The answer to that is No, there is no such thing as too much positive thinking. The right question to ask here is:  Can one slide his mind into denial instead of positive thinking? The answer to that is yes, there is a thin line between the two.             
Throughout the years I met many who tried the positive thinking theory, most of those who failed had a similar symptom. Often they will not be willing to listen to others advice. They were pretty sure they got it together and that what they doing will work out. I will have to watch them silently, as they deliver themselves into a world of denial which clean on to their emotions and create a not so positive situation. For example:
 a friend of mine overstayed his visa, he wanted very much to get a new visa and maid up in his mind that he will create the situation he will think positively, he will create a situation just like the book the secret describe the outcome without a doubt will be desirable. And so my friend applied for different jobs asking them to sponsor him but was offered none of the positions. At some point my friend did not share his thoughts and activities, he didn’t want anyone to shine a different light on the situation and risk the possibility of a negative thought entering his perfect little world of positive thinking. My friend had put a deadline on the whole visa project and booked a return ticket from Australia to the UK.
The day has come for my friend to get on the plan, he left behind most of his belonging and even organised a place to stay on his return, it was all part of his positive thinking project.  Two weeks later I got a phone call, he wasn’t allowed back in Australia for the next seven years!  He thought that positive thinking does not work,I said: 'you were in denial'. He was even in a denial about the denial. He won’t be trying positive thinking again anytime soon.     
If you doing what my friend did you are not practicing positive thinking you are creating a denial in your own head you are been unrealistic. What is the different? You ask, let’s take the above situation a positive thinking would be more like this:
Yes I over stayed my visa and yes there is a strong possibility that I will not be allowed back in. But I have had a great experience; I will take what I have learned with me. I will do my best to fix the situation and if it all fails surly another door will open. A negative thought will something like this: I am going to be in so much trouble I hate the UK what am I going to do? I have wasted so many years in Australia and for what?   
With the example above I hope I answer some of your questions. A positive mind doesn’t necessarily mean problem free life but it removes the blinds of negativity and allows you to see that even though some things didn’t work out there are other doors who will open. For every end has a beginning, it really does!
Another important point to consider is repetition, if you are hopping for something different to happen take a different course of action. If you take a left turn every day or your life you will end up on the left side every day of your life were the same trees grow and the same wind blow. if you want to go in a different direction try taking the right turn for a change, and even thought you don’t know where it leads too, it will take you somewhere you never been to before, if you keep your mind open you will find that doors did open.                              

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

why does positive thinking fail?

Why does positive thinking fail?
Searching the Internet for new information about positive thinking, I have come across the above title, nothing else was added, that was it, just a title. While considering answering the question myself, I kept on surfing the net for similar topics. I found one article that claimed, amongst other thing, that according to some studies, women who were mildly depressed are more likely to live longer, simply because, they are less likely to live life with activities, which could lead to their early death(?!). The writer of the article went on and on about the bad outcome of positive thinking.
My first respond is: ‘well there is one example for why positive thinking fails’, my next respond is: what do we try to achieve? Are we looking for a never ending life of miseries? Or are we looking for a happy life, well lived life? From observation I find that we, humans, look for different ways to better our lives. Yes we have different interpretation for what happiness means, but if you are walking down the street, healthy with a big smile on your face what else matters? This is a place we all want to be and I call it HAPPY LAND.
So why does positive thinking fail?
Each and every one of us has a relationship with oneself. It is the nature of that affiliation which   determine ones happiness. If you love yourself you will give yourself only the things that make you happy. Those who don’t love themselves will give everything else and everyone else first priority, and there for be unhappy. This relationship starts in the mind. A negative Patten of thoughts will create an unhealthy relation with oneself. And that is why we want to have a positive mind.
 The word relationship is defined by the Macquarie Dictionary as a connection. For as long as we are alive, we have a connection with/to ourselves. One must ask; what is the nature of that connection? Since we cannot stop the relationship with our own self, we must maintain it for the length of our physical life. The mind as a part of the self, is where much of the connection is maid, there for the Patten of the mind is where happiness starts and end. If you are trying to change the Patten of your mind to a more positive one do it first for the sake of happiness and the rest will fallow. But just as you can’t stop having a connection with yourself, you can’t stop the training of your mind. It’s like blaming the dietitian for gaining all the weight again, after stoping the diet he prescribed. its worth considering that ones life style is where the problem stars and end.
Positive thinking will fail if you give up before you get to the finish line.        

Friday, September 3, 2010

how does positive thinking work?

we all have an on going conversation in our mind, most of us thought, are so lost in that dialog that we are unaware of it. sometime there is more than one conversations. the nature of this silent internal chat is where thing begin and end.

many yogis are aiming for a silent mind, a mind that does not have an on going broken record, it is than that the mind will be open for everything else. if you ever hinged out with real yogis the last is not a new concept  for you, but if you did not yet have the pleasure of such company take a moment to consider this;

we are all part of this planet the universe and everything beyond, it does not matter if you believe in God or the big bang, for both have the same concept of: 'we all come from the same stuff' , there for we are all affected by the same stuff... scientists proved again and again that waives of all kinds are streaming through the atmosphere from all directions, light waves, radio waves and so on...

our mind, in my opinion and personal experience, is like a radio, all we have to do is tune in... but if we are already tuned to one radio station, we can not listen to another... in a progressive stage, when ones mind is quieter, it can tune in to some of the best waves of creation... the very origin of inspiration itself.

A quieter mind is not easy to obtain but it is not on the impossible lists either;  

if the radio station your mind is tuned too plays negative sound, every thing in life no matter how Rossie or how blue, will sound and feel like the worst thing in the world, positive thinking is about changing the radio station you are listening too... when we listen to happy energetic music we are uplifted are we not? sound has a great impact on our feelings... so what effect will the sound of your own mind have on you?

how to change the radio station your mind is tuned too? medittaion is one way...