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Monday, June 4, 2012

The meeting point of Kabbalah and science

So, I find myself, one more time at a cross road. With very little ability to change the events which are unfolding in my life, other people holding the keys to what it is going to happen to me next and when, I am staying in a short term crisis accommodation and with everything I have gone through in life, here I am writing this article. So if you were ever under the illusion that you are in control of your life think again...

But where does it leave the purpose of life? Where does it leave free choice or the theory of the big bang for that matter? While I am not able to give you my point of view to all of these questions in one article, I will give you food for thoughts;

While I am trying to insure that my future home is not the park by the water... (Though, in a different world this would not be such a bad place to be), I am pondering on how I got here, and whether or not I had a choice in the matter... was it self inflected?

These questions somehow lead me to write this;      

If the world was created by mistake, by some cosmic explosions, how it is that everything that is alive, is entwined in one another? From how the body functions to the purpose of bugs and the life of insects, everything is connected and in order to maintain life itself, the delicate balance between all matrix of life, must be maintained, (could that be the purpose of a human life?). Once the imbalance will reach a no turning point, evolution will take over once again, it will eliminate all that  cannot last. It will then, readjust the surviving living entities to its new reality... a new matrix of life will be created.

As science breaks down the building blocks of life and then use its finding, for further exploration, they do not address the most important of all questions: this complex formula of life, from atoms to human DNA, in its full complexity, where did it come from?

Such a mathematic precision could not have been burn out of a mistake...  if evolution itself (as they claim it) has created this amazing matrix of life, one question remained un unanswered;  what is the moving force behind the intelligent of evolution? As I doubt any scientist will question, that there is a measurable level of inelegance, in every new formula they prove. 

 A scientist, who was only ever limited, to that which she learned under the microscope and text books, that which is unseen are impossible to imagine. Just as Darwin himself, failed to understand the most important part of the equation and by it send the world of science astray. But like everything in this world, all is with a purpose , for the deeper exploration of science became possible due to the illusion of the theory of the spices, still the narrow view of such great minds astonish me!

While scientists all seem to agree that the world is expending and moving, they seem to think that the creation of plant earth was finalized on the arrival of life on it... how can they not make the connection? If one part of creation is still moving why wouldn't the other? And if so why wouldn't the constant evolution of the spices be part of it?

This is the point where the great mysterious force of life comes in, to the great minds of the Jewish religion, the concept I am about to bring in and with it tie the whole peace together, is common knowledge. Many other great minds, who are fascinated by the great mysterious forces on our planet, have considered and referred to the concept as well. According to the holly text of the Kabbalah, all that exist here and beyond our physical perception, all that is measurable and all that is yet not... is re energised constantly by the great origin energy, it all comes from... in the Jewish religion we Call it GOD. Those who have problem with the term call it:' the unified filed' ,'ones' and so on.       

I will break that down a bit; when a child is born and begins to breath, a paten of his DNA is been further developed, the brain becomes bigger and the immune system strengthen... he learns more about his physical existence and what to do with his surrounding...  and this evolution of that tiny little body, the unfolding of his DNA ,is very similar to what happens to the world when GOD takes a breath...

Only that which is the origin of all, does not need to take a breath, it simply think us into creation... its more like a quantum existence... ever moving and ever changing   here we can further break down the power of thoughts, and here is where I tie the knot with positive thinking     

While we are burn to circumstances beyond are understanding and while life bring to us all kinds of surprises, a true religion teach us where the free choice is found, how to apply it to life and how to break it down and understand that which life through at us. that is what Kabbalah is all about!

Religion teaches us, that the power of our thoughts is where free choice is found... and as I draw out in my other posts... thoughts have great power... after all the world was thought into creation, just as this post began with a thought and became a physical post...             


Monday, April 9, 2012

A modern day mircale

In the last decade, we have all witnessed the affect of disaster and destructive force, from tsunami to earthquakes and flooding all over the world, and just in case that was not enough a wave of  ever escalating threat of terrorism, is insisting of reminding the rest of us, the outcome of dictatorship and the repression of the human mind.

mean while, each and every one of us is engaged in what ever gives our life a meaning... a structure and hope, some of us even get to feel happy every now and then. still the quiet desperation is growing, and the human mind is striving to find that which is real that which will stand strong against all obstacles, a new trend is developing trying to quince that thirst, new age religions are sprouting out of the old ones and  being experimented with, like a new found toy.... which is nothing but a reflection of the minds and hearts of the people who run the modern world...

and while faith religion and since are fighting to win the human soul, that which is true and tangible does not need agents, and does not need to be reinvented at all... it is here now it was here before and will be here long after we are all gone...

and while this is all happening on this one little planet at the age of the universe, cave men and astronauts co exist at the same moment in time, right here on earth, and while many lose their faith and believe less and less in an all mighty lord, miracles do happen out of sight in silence and untold. they touch the souls of those, who never lose sight of that which is real and purer than gold.. it happens to those who choose goodness over evil no matter how strong is the evil force. the individuals who are fortunate enough to find true connection with that powerful yet unseen world...

I am one who was giving such fortune,  I am one who feel God in my soul, and now it is my duty to share this with the world... for more than once and more than twice the great mysterious powerful lord, had stepped in to keep me warm while everything around me was crumbling into nothing at all.

and while my story will turn into a book some day soon, I bring here before you a sample and hope to awaken your thirst:

My mother has deserted me when I was six month old, she left me and my brother with our abusive father... and never returned... the story is painful and very long, but I am sure you can imagine what comes with such a package to a six month old girl.

a complex and difficult set of circumstance have separated me form my brother who is all that I've got... while in the back of my mind he was alive, I carried a pain as I set off to see what my own future hold.. I went on an adventure around the world. 

my journey was hard, I was all alone, there was no mother no father no one at all, at times I have found my self out on the street, in a foreign land and with nothing to eat... it was dark it was cold it seemed there was no hope at all... but despite of it all the presence of God was in me and it was strong..

I never questioned whether or not, there was a greater power and it was to him I have turned.. I tried to find the best way to him to talk... different religions.. and even no religion at all..

the journey was long the journey was painful and finally one day I began to see it all... I sat down and finished an old project, a book I have titled "Sonny's Adventures in Mystery Park" which as you know is also the title of this blog... Sonny is the name of my brother, who for years I could not find a word of... only rumors and half storeys.. many were bad and gave me no hope..

they said he was homeless and in trouble with the law. there were time I could not make sense of it all, I was a nice person who tried to always do the right thing no matter how difficult the outcome.. once I even choose to live on the street then embrace a path of life that was not good all...  at which point I have accepted that for a reason beyond my thoughts, the Lord has given me what he thought was good for my soul... and while I questioned and cried to him that I did not understand his point... with every strength I found in me to over come yet another obstacle... I felt a sense of freedom that can not be described in words...

 the obstacles kept on coming and I just kept on getting strong.... finally I knew I will be fine no matter if I am destined to always be alone... and as I gained more insight into the lows of right and wrong and as I pealed the layers of all the baggage I have carried alone, the journey finally had led me to the very same religion who made me run away from home... the very same all mighty who I thought was wrong...

as soon as I have done that, my life had took a turn, and the closer I have embraced that which I so easily dismissed before... the closer the connection with the mysterious power of he universe has grown...
finally just over a month ago I went to buy my first ever Siddur... the very same day a very long search was reaching its final stage on earth...

over the years I have made countless phone calls and hired the service of a private detective... I almost lost all hope... when Gilad Shalit was free to go home, I watched the footage of the family and the strength with which they fought, it is then that I knew I could never give up my search, and so once again I opened my wound and made countless phone calls to different government office in my country of birth,

finally I was told of a radio station who had a show, they, so I was told broadcast the request for relative finding... I send my request and waited for a month or so, before I tried to see if there was any progress at all. The person in charge, have send me an email, saying she doesn't have records of my request,  so once again I send the details and waited for another month or so... still she would claim she did not receive my request at all... this happened three times (she did send confirmation after every request, which made things even more odd) before I felt I had the right to send an email, that would explain the pain she was causing me, with her luck of interest in her job.. with it I have send all the correspondence we have made, over a period of four month or so... and you need to understand, after 17 years of searching she was kind of my only hope!!!

she never replied to that email and there was no sign of here at all... I thought that I blow it and lost the only chance I had... in the meantime I kept on living and building my artistic career and working on my books...

At the synagogue I found comfort, the worlds of the bible made me glow... they opened my heart some times to tears and they still do.... that love that I felt made me want to do more... to get to know the very source of that love I was feeling so deep in my soul.. and so I went and bought the Siddur... that very same day I received an email from that girl from the radio show, she said my request has been broad casted and that I can listen to the replay on line... It was very exiting for me... some one would have heard.. and Israel is so small... sure it gave me hope..

only two days after the broadcast of my request for information regarding my brother.. such information was forwarded to me.. three leads.. two were dead but he third had hope.. and indeed led me to hear my brothers voice on the other side of the phone!!!!!  I now talk to my brother every couple of days, and he too, despite a difficult life in the street and every thing that come with such a package... is now a proud father of two beautiful boys, has a wonderful loving caring and beautiful wife and a very good job... 

of course the story has in it so much more, but this is a glimpse of something real and true... good things do happen, beautiful life changing miracles... and so many of them have happened to me over the years that I never felt poor... my life is enriched with love that is pure ever lasting and very strong...  even when I was blind to see what was given to me that love did not leave me... even when on the streets I was never alone...

and now life is better and has in it a lot more... despite all that could go wrong and every thing that stood in the way for so long
 I found my family... I found the only human who ever cared for me, and with him there are three others who are now my very own...  and that is A MIRACLE!!! it did really save me from losing my last hope..

Miracles do happen you just need to be open and never lose hope... trust in what is giving trust in the all powerful mysterious lows... even if you do not understand them.. as long as you always choose to do good... these lows will lead you to find what is yours.

Monday, January 9, 2012

illnes and positive thinking

many ask me if one can will oneself out of an illness, by thinking positively.
while this is not a black and white kind of answer, I thought an article about a miss understood and overlooked detail will help...

positive thinking is about a relationship with one self and others, our conditioning, such as surrounding upbringing and education has much to do with how ones mind is going to operate, yet those alone don't always seem to be enough, some who come from very good influences seem to struggle just as much, and every one asks: what is the key?  what makes one make it?

the first rule is: you never ever stop trying... you never ever give up... just as an hungry animal will keep on looking for food no matter what! for humans the food comes from the mind... in every way.

what brings food to your table if not the fruit of your mind? could it be that health comes form the same place?  while the stage of cancer and aids are very late stages of a negative relationship with one self, it is never too late to change...

one once asked me how I made it out of homelessness...  such a situation in life can be more difficult than that of cancer, simply because one is totally alone... no family no friends no doctors just oneself and the  big empty space, which one fills with his own view about the world, and trust me it could be a dangerous place for ones mind! there were days I truly thought I was going to end up like my father who died homeless and drank, yet another part of me who learned to accept the situation and make the best of what iv got said: if this is it let it be a water front...

and so every day I would sit in front of the water surrounded by beauty and happy people, the story is to long for here but the point is: if you are ill and there is very little you can do other than take the treatment and hope for the best, then hope for the best, do every day all that you can do to get better, eat well rest well, feed your mind well, spend a healthy time with friends and family write your last few days journey, live every day as if it was your last. so if it was there will be no regrets!

you can spend your life crying about what you didn't have or you can use what you have to hav your own best life! do not compare your life to that of another, its like compering the result of your chemistry exam with a chemistry master... surly you will not look good next to him if chemistry is not your gift... instead find what you are good at, sharpen and strengthen what you have, then use it in your own special way...