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Sunday, November 13, 2011

what does love have to do with it?

they say God is love, what does one who do not believe in God think of such a saying... what do they think about love? where does the feeling of love comes from? how come some people love their children and some do not?

love is an emotion most people don't pay much attention too, they do not wonder about its origin and they do not question the emotions they feel to their children. I have been a nanny for a few children and was able to witness different kind of parenting styles. the thing is, that most people only have their own personal exp to go on, too often their own personal exp wasn't all that great.

now I need to connect the dotes, what does God have to do with it? what does positive thinking has to do with it? and how does the whole thing connect to... well, the way we love our children.

as one who found energy healing to be the greatest evidence to the existence of something greater than ourselves, I ventured further into the world of emotions and their energy. surly you agree that emotion generates energy, for example; you walk into the office and the boss is unhappy, you can feel the tension and know to be on your best behaviour that day, for who wants to mess with the boss on the day he's grumpy, right? 

how come you can feel it? simply because of the energy that emotion eminent. that energy is received and translated into a reaction by your own energy filed, which is operating very much like one of the senses (some people are more aware of  it than others). and so as we walk about our day and with our own personal emotions, we create an atmosphere around us.

when we meet someone who is happy, we want to be around them. how much positive energy one will sent out, depends on how open ones heart chakra is. (see my article 'opening of  the heart meditation') ones level of consciousness is greatly connected to the heart chakra, for the more elevated consciousness one has, the more one can respond to their surrounding with love.

if consciousness and love are connected, and higher consciousness is somehow related to the great mysterious creative energy sometimes referred to as God, than it is very possible that God is love, is it not? (if you feel more comfortable to call it creative energy that's fine!) ,

while there is a great movement of positivity emerging, thanks for the vast free information we can all find at our finger tips, what do we do in order to pass what we have learned to our children? how can we make sure that our hard work, on our own personal growth, would be past down to our children, so that they will have a better starting point?

while practicing energy healing I witnessed A common patten; most people live their adult life with the patten of mind they developed as children, and so if their surrounding was positive, these children will grow into positive and successful individuals, those who grow up with a not so positive parent, will have a much harder start in life.

those who had a healthy upbringing don't always have a greater connection to their children, however they are able to give them a positive surrounding, be it a good nanny, schooling etc. what the children need, is for an adult to be an adult, who doesn't allow his own personal ego to come between him and his child, even more so  when ones make decisions regarding their offspring's disciplinary action and the means in which they reinforce their own take on life, and what one think is best for his child. 

such a task is not an easy one, for one has to be aware of ones emotions and their outcomes when dealing with their children. those who have a higher awareness usually have higher consciousness, for awareness and consciousness go hand in hand, and both are greatly connected to the heart chakra and how much love energy imminent from it. naturally the three ingredients bring one closer to the energy which is generated by the great creative energy of the universe.

to summarise the above; we all send out energy, which is a direct result of our emotions which are the fruits of our mind, where the events which unfold in our surrounding, are translated and evoke emotions accordingly. the more conscious we are the better control we have on how we respond to our surrounding, the greater ability we have to generate positive energy, when dealing with children, the above can make or break them.



Thursday, November 10, 2011

the goal of a human life

since my first children book was published, I found my self on a road that is leading me deeper and deeper into the power of words and their origin; the thought. the last is leading me to refine and simplify the way I communicate my thoughts to children and adults a like.

I truly believe that the power which positive thinking holds in it, can help humanity move forward.  it is the very key to human evolution. for if we all think in a positive way, we will decrease the power of negative thinking, that's right my friends, the power of negative thinking...

while many are engaged in discussion regarding the concept of positive thinking, and the ways in which it can be applied to our lives, in order to better it, many are failing to do so. many also doubt the tangibility of such concept and its application to real life. a quick over view on the events which take place in human society around the globe, will demonstrate the existence of some kind of force, which somehow has an unwanted affect, on many members of the very diverse, global society, and there for will be titled as a negative force.

if one will pay attention to the state of mind, which he/she has while in hard times, one will find that much of it is rooted in fear. we fear because we feel alone and we do not trust; that with love we were created, and we will look on the events which unfolding with anger,  as so we would find it hard to leave room for hope or trust. I have found my self with such feelings more than once, still I got out of homelessness only when I trusted that my thoughts and the way which I channel them will lead me out of homelessness. and so they did!

once a human been has no fear in his heart, much of that energy can be channeled else where. but where too? is there a purpose to humanity? what if the great power of creation is far more sophisticated then most human care to consider? what if the great power of creation is awaiting for humanity to stop their struggle with one another and find a mutual ground? once humanity will put all that is negative aside, all fear will be removed and the collective energy of humanity will be directed at healthy creation, our minds will be free from that which is negative and there for will only create that which is positive... what if such future depends upon ;the quality of your mind... ? what if ? would you care to take the first step towards a greater humanity even if only to entertain the possibility of such concept, apply it to life and give it all you got....

one of the reasons the good is unspoken of, is due to the quiet nature of that which is good, but as one who was born in Israel and have learned about the evil side of humanity, before I ever learned about love, I know that good energy has a stronger fight. and while the creation of the great power of life is still unfolding, humanity is unfolding with it. for the real spirit of God could not come down to a world with so much negative energy. it is the goal of a human life. to create a collective energy which will welcome the quiet non aggressive power of pure love. it is up to every single one of us to create such a space, that is the goal of a human life.                

Friday, November 4, 2011

Sonny's Adventures In Mystery Park: Appreciation and positive thinking

Sonny's Adventures In Mystery Park: Appreciation and positive thinking: If you were to look up the word APPRECIATION, you will find the fallowing definition: gratitude; thankful recognition: the act of e...

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Appreciation and positive thinking

If you were to look up the word APPRECIATION, you will find the fallowing definition:   gratitude; thankful recognition:  the act of estimating the qualities of things and giving them their proper value.

While trying to break down the code of positive thinking I have found a strong connection between failure in the positive thinking culture and the lack of appreciation.

while striving for a better and more meaningful life, most of us will come banging against a wall again and again, the frustration will grow as we find ourselves standing against the same obstacle. While most of my other articles illustrate many aspects of the positive thinking concept, I have not yet told you this: you must count your blessings and remember them while striving to move forward.

Part of the paten of a negative mind, is to forget the good that it has. As we consider and wonder about the power of positive thinking we fail to remember the power of negative thinking, even though the evidence of it is all around us. Can the power of negativity be equal to that of positivity? Oh dear... could that mean that the devil in whatever form really does exist?

Whatever the answer to the above question might be, negative power is far more dominant in our world than the positive one, but do not worry for WE HAVE THE POWER of free choice...      Lets break this down a bit; ‘the power of’  

How does something gain power over something else? How can negativity gain power over your mind? Energy is the answer, anyone who ever gained power be it financial or social or political, gained that power from others. By making others want or need what they can give, be it a product a service or a state of mind. And so does our mind... it is able to take power from you and act on your behalf.... you must take that power back! You must become more aware of what you mind does with the power you give it.       

The negative mind does not estimate qualities and gives them proper value, it does quite the opposite, and I will put an emphasize on the words ‘proper value’, for even though some things may not be a hundred precent good for us, they might be ok for the time being, there for whatever the situation might be, if we give it the proper value and do the best we can, sooner or later we will move forward.

Energy is all we and whatever is around us are made of, there for what we create is energy which is manifested into the fruit of our work. The mind, as the driver of the whole game, decides in what direction your personal energy will be diverted too. As humanity is moving forward and leaving the dark ages behind, a higher consciousness is reviled and become aware of its power over the mind.  . Thais fact needs to be appreciated; this fact needs to be celebrated! Choose to be positive in your every action.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

who am I

Who am I?

The only people who end up looking deeper into their own existence are those who ask the above question. What kind of a being are we? We don’t even know who we are, most other living entities have an inherent paten, they just know what to do, how to raise their young, give birth eat and drink without over doing it or under doing it, they even know when a natural disaster is near. Take rats who can tell danger before any human will and they will find a way out before a human will. So are we, as a race more advanced?     

Human are complex, just the very fact that it takes years for our young ones to be ready for an independent life is a clue to our level of  complexity in comparison to other form of life, it is also an answer to all the wonderful scientists on our planet, who continue to look in the mirror every day, and still wonder if there is a God;” how come he didn’t leave any evidence for his existence? I am a scientist and relay on data to find the truth...” what do they think is looking back at them when they are looking in the mirror or at the unsolvable quantum wonder?

It is also an answer to the single mother who told me once that anyone can raise a child, yet her one year old baby does not yet respond to her name....

Being a human is so much more than being a flower or a dog... is it not? If so what is it that makes us more....            and why is it that so many of us are hungry for a better life? Could it be the very paten of evolution, seeking ever increasing evolvement? Could it be that inside every each one of us, exist a potential super human, waiting for the opportunity to show how truly wonderful human beings are?

Positive existence will take us to the next step in human evolution, but thinking positive alone will not be enough, we must also act in a positive way. If you want to reach your full potential you must do every day all that you can do in order to get there, and then,  just as bacteria riches the next phase in its evolution, so would you... become the better version of yourself.

This requires a daily practice, just as a musician has to practice the same song again and again before he can play it perfectly and gain fame from it, being a human require a daily reflection with the fallowing questions in mind:

What good have I done today? Have I done all that I could do today? What else can I do to come closer to my goal?

But one must also allow the time for reflection and leisure, without it one cannot better oneself.

Now ask yourself again

Who am I?                   


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

falling off the positive road

Every article which I have posted here is an outcome off personal experience, this is important to understand and keep in mind as you read this article here. After years of personal transformation I have fallen of the wagon. It was as if my own little earth, had experienced and earthquake which was measured 10 on the Richter scale, all my new believes and all my hard work had fallen apart and turned to ashes. Here I am only days after, only just got myself out of bed and out of the negative paten which drove me to consider, the best way by which to end my life! No joking!  This all real life event...imagine to have come out of homelessness twice, just in order to face it once again... I mean why bother right? What is the point of trying all this wonderful romantic ideas, of what life is like if you only change the angle from which you are looking at it? Frankly speaking the other angle is still there if you only just choose to see it. What does it mean in term of reality? Which is the truth? what is real?

Which brings me to ask a very important question; can a human been live without some kind of set of believes and/or  guide lines ,by which ones defines one’s own existence?

 Is it possible at all to go through life without having to conform to any believes what so ever?

What would happen to such a mind? I tell you what ... I almost lost mine! For our mind is very powerful and should always be under some kind of control. It is my believe from personal experience and the tireless number of time, which I had to find my feet again after a fall off  mount Everest, that such freedom of mind can only be attained when one find real truth... unquestionable truth,  which will pass all tests. Such a truth can only be found within the highest level of consciousness.

I never really got there but I was sure I was in a short distance of it in comparison to others, soon I found out though; such a place has no room for anything which is negative... if even one negative thought finds its way in some tricky manner into the mind who is in such high level of consciousness, that mind will fall real fast back down to planet earth, and yes one will have to admit that he has not yet reached that level of consciousness. I hold my hand up.

So while in bed refusing to allow any positive thought to sway me away from my miserable self pity,      I considered all that I have learned,,, the different ways I have explored in order to come close to God, the number of time which I have come to face, that the very teacher which I was listening too, was unable to fallow that which he was preaching... the numbers of time which I had to question my methods of attaining some kind of spiritual existence, and the number of time which I realise that once again it was a dogma which was full of imperfections and human like emotional immaturity, which inevitably leads to a fault in the system.

Once a certain level of consciousness has been attained, though, it will push its way in until it wins the drivers sit once again... I did not give up easy thought, and refused to have to find my feet again, I didn’t want to find a greater purpose to my life... I was full on suicidal! Yet the positive mind I have attained refused to let go. Happy ending, the good won once again and here at it again: I tell you guys... life is worth fighting for.... and the only thing which will stand the test of the ups and downs in life is a positive mind.   

Every article that I have wrote so far, has a stronger meaning for me today... for it is all still valid even thought, I have once again, had to through away some of the preaching which I have fallowed... I have come to face a new understanding. One thing surly did not change; God loves us all and have endless ways of reaching out to us, it is us who are blind and cannot see past our limited perception, we all have the potential though, to find this higher truth which is God. You cannot have a higher consciousness without the acknowledgment that there is such a thing as a higher truth, where would you aim the development of your consciousness if you cannot make such an acknowledgment?                           

Monday, May 2, 2011

the 'opening of the heart' meditation

The opening of the heart meditation

Before you try this meditation please take the time to read my article titled “what is meditation?”  I wrote it in order to give you a better understanding for what it is you will be doing if you were to fallow this meditation.

First you must choose a comfortable position; a chair will do just fine. Then close your eyes and pay attention to your body, the breath and its movement in and out of the body.   

When you begin to notice the natural break between inhalation and exhalation, choose an event in your life which bring a smile on your face, it does not matter if it’s a person you love or a pet, as long as it brings a smile to your face.

Once you have that person or event in your mind, keep it there, if it brings a smile to your face it is the right kind of event/person, it is what we will call a trigger.

If you do not have a smile on your face you need to find a new trigger. Once you have one relive the moment of happiness in your mind and at the same time feel how your body is. When we are happy our heart is open.

Now that your heart is open move the attention of your mind to your heart and feel it, bring all your awareness and sense to the centre of your heart and stay with it. Once you can feel the energy of your heart you can stop thinking of the event and just stay with the feeling of your heart.

Stay with this feeling for as long as you can, thoughts will come in and out of your mind, do not try to stop them, this will stop the meditation, instead allow these thoughts to come in and out of your mind as if they were a light breeze which flows through a window.

At first you will be able to do this meditation for a short periods time, do not let that discourage you; it is natural for your senses to want to wonder as they please, it is like taming a wild animal.    

If you will practice this meditation on a regular basis you will find that less thoughts will enter your mind, you will feel silence for longer periods of time, by then you will be looking into other forms of meditation and get as many of your friends to try it... it is that good!        

A recording of this meditation is available at the AcuEneregtics centre which is located in Balmain, Sydney.    

Monday, April 25, 2011

the opening of the heart

One of the most effective and simple to fallow form of meditation is called “the opening of the heart”. This meditation can help reduce stress and elevate your well being.

This meditation refers to the heart chakra rather than the physical heart; although both are in the same location of the body they have different function and structure.

Chakra is the Sanskrit name for a wheal or a gate, these wheals have different functions, and one of them is the processing of emotions and the distribution of their energy throughout the body.

The chakras can be in an open or a closed cycle, when the chakras are open we are healthy and well balanced, but unless you lead a very healthy and relaxed life style, it is  most likely that your chakras, are opening and closing, according to the events in your life and the way you relate to them on the emotional level.

The heart is all love, love is the most light and healthy emotion we have, when the heart chakra is open we feel like we are in love. Not many of us however, walk around with the feeling of “in love”. Most of us walk around with our heart slightly closed or completely closed.

Amongst the functions of the heart chakra, is the function of purification. just as a loving friend can make you feel better, by expressing their loving emotions and support when you need it,  the heart chakra is able to purify  unhealthy emotions from the other chakras.

I can understand how some of you may have doubts about the accuracy of that which is described above; ask yourself this... what in our body holds our emotions? Can all emotions be held in the same place? If so how come we all ‘hold tension in different parts of our body? What does it mean to hold tension?

Please take the time to digest the above, I will post the meditation if a few days.

Friday, April 15, 2011

What Is Meditation

What is meditation?

Sum years ago. when the western world began exploring more of what the east had to offer. I, like many of the people around me, was fascinated by it, yet I knew nothing of it. That did not stop me though, from clamming to be one who meditated, my only reason being, my need to be groove.

Ironically enough some years later I am turning more and more into a yogi... looking for more ways to find that inner peace and bliss. And most importantly discovering more and more what it is I want to do in life.

       There is no doubt in my mind, that some of you are just as confused about meditation, as I was then. Even though there are endless books about meditation, they do not give you anything even remotely close, to the understanding of meditation as you would understand it once you felt it firsthand.  

  The benefits of meditation can hardly be described in words and when they are, the words only give you an overview of something you can not relate too. Just as one who never had wild love making and I mean Wild LOVE making, will never be able to relate to such an action, regardless to the number of closely related experiences.

There are many different kind of meditation, as it can be used in order to find a solution to a problem or in order to choose your next step carefully. The other way in which meditation is used, is the kind which all who wants to be groove and in the new age categories, are using it.

But the real reason to practice meditation is personal, through meditation you can better understand the meaning of life, the gift that it is... you will understand that all the prove you have ever needed of the existence of something greater and more powerful than any religious figure or scientist could ever sale to you, can be found simply by turning inward.

What does it mean to turn inward?

Our senses that connect us to the world around us are doing just that turning us into the world around us. Turning inward will mean that we will direct our senses to tell us more about our own self, which is why we close our eyes, so that the images we see will not distract us from the act of meditation.

Ironically the very senses which make us human are the very senses which can make us forget what life is all about, but this is where we acutely, really have a choice, we can choose to use our senses and learn more about the meaning of life, or we can choose to use our senses to become what the outside world wants us to be.  

A free guided meditation will be soon posted on this blog        

Saturday, April 2, 2011

why does positive thinking fail part two

I have posted some month ago a post titled "why does positive thinking fail", a lady named Kelly had posted a comment, since the comment and the name are there for all to read, I see no harm in quoting her here. Kelly comment was:

"most people try to think positive while ignoring their life long iceberg of collecting negative evidence. "positive thinking" will then be just sugar coating - ain't gonna full anyone especially your own mind. gotta get the root of the problem, release start fresh, much easier and more effective."

Kelly has made few interesting points one is sugar coating, I call it denial. positive thinking is not about lying to yourself by telling yourself that the problem is not really there.a problem will not go away just by thinking that it is not there or that its really not that bad, she is right there, nothing good will happen. in fact the situation  may even develop into a bigger problem while the individual involved is unprepared to face it for what it is, not a good place to be...

how ever, the root of the problem in many ways come form the mind, so when one like Kelly say just release and start again... well it is a sugar coting of a different kind.

life will always bring challenge about, it is the nature of life, for we have no control on the action of other people and the affect of their action on our lives, just as the weather can bring about all kind of discomfort and just as disease will jump on one out of no where. .   challenges are there to overcome in the best possible way which mean you have learned from the situation and moved on form it as it happened, not some years later after mush lamentation tears and despair.

If you "put it behind you" and start again by simply forgetting what has happened, soon enough a situation will come which will bring about the same problem in a different outfit. you will again and again come across the same situation unless you learn what it is you need to learn form it.

when one has a positive mind, one will surly find the solution to the problem, this will bring about a positive outcome and growth,  it will bring about a healthy change.

now days we have many forms of energy healing, I have studied energy healing for some four years and have practice in a clinic. one can release an iceberg and move on, this is true, however, releasing old emotions and "negative evidence" does not guarantee, that the habit of collecting 'negative evidence' will not create a new iceberg, by the time one will realise that he created a new iceberg, one might be a little less energetic and a little older, starting again without the training of the mind will not help...

I have written before about the difference between the training of the mind to be positive and denial, but for those of you who didn't get to read it I will write a new post on the subject so please look for it.

please feel free to comment, I will respond, I am working on other books and an art exhibition so I haven't been posting on the blog, but I will make more of an effort to check in more often

warm regards

Lilach Tzingoker                        

Positive Thinking with Lilach Tzingoker, Author of Sonny’s Adventure in Mystery Park

positive thinking in every day life

The truth about positive thinking/ positive thinking in everyday life   
Teaching the mind to be positive could be compared with the learning of a musical instrument.  We need to start at the basics; first we need to know who we are dealing with, if the mind can be trained to work in a positive way we might want to ask; who is training the mind?  What else is there? The body, the emotions, the mind and what else? But who is it, that is going to teach the mind to think in a positive way? You.... who is you?
So whether you believe in a soul or an observer or a conscious and subconscious mind, you need to find that something /someone first and allow it to surface up, allow it to be alive and heard. Allow it to be stronger then the mind who is negative... you have to find a strength in that part of you... ask yourself just how much you want a better you? What are you willing to do for it? How hard will you work to achieve it?        
Then, the  next time you come to that same situation, which drive you crazy on a regular basis, stop, do not react.  This action alone, to stop before your pre-programmed respond unfolds once more, require a strength of mind!
You need to find that strength through the wanting of a better life. Once you find yourself doing that, ask:  what is really happening in my mind, and what emotion does it bring upon? Could you respond in a different way?  Keep your usual respond to the situation at bay? Can you bring yourself to be the bigger person?  
Here is a story form my life that may help to better illustrate the above:
On a day, like any other day, I have made my way to the backpacker I was staying in, on a cloth rack which was stationed outside a shop, was a skirt made out of a fabric which I have found most desirable. I was not in a good place in life at the time and had to find excuses to why I should spend money... I told myself that I work very hard and there for I deserve it. Soon I was in the shop and placed the skirt on lay by without trying it on. I felt good, I felt really good. And so a week later I went by the shop to pay the balance and pick the skirt up. While the shop keeper was finalising the balance, I had a closer look at what I was buying and found, that the zip was faulty. I showed it to the shop keeper, she tried to fix it, and it seemed that she did. Still I wasn’t all that happy to take the skirt. Trying to close a sale, the shop keeper said that if I have found the problem to reoccur, I could bring the skirt back, no questions asked. She wrote a note on the receipt, of our agreement and signed her name. It so happened that the zip was indeed faulty.  Next day, while at work, I have prepared an argument just in case I was to find a different shop keeper.
When I got to the shop I have found that what I feared to happen happened, at the counter was a different shop keeper who did not want to take my word for it, nor did she want to make a phone call to the owner or the person who wrote the note on the receipt.
Now, I am a strong woman... not the kind to back down, I get what I want and it is the only way things were going to unfold. I was going to walk with the money in my hand and nothing else was going to do. And so I got the shop keeper to call one of the two people until she actually got through (the first and second time she said the phone was engaged) and so she was instructed to give me full refund. The shop keeper did not like that she was proven wrong, she carried on with the argument even thought she put the money in my hand. Soon out of nowhere another lady who was a regular in the shop jumped in to the aid of the shop keeper, soon race and color was the topic and the shop keeper could not resist and called one of the classics “why don’t you go back to your country?”
 Back in my room, all fired up with the blood running hot in my veins, I questioned the way I have handled the situation, could I have done things differently? The answer is yes, I could have, I could have resisted the impulse to show the two women that I was much stronger, I could have prepared a positive argument in my head instead of the one I did. I could have walked out of the shop with money smile and one less enemy.
So what am I trying to say? You want to positive your way to richness to success to happiness? Do it, but it is not as easy as making a wish in a time in space where dream comes true, you first have to be able to control the way in which you handle your everyday life, while driving your car, while shopping, while you are out drinking, while you have to take orders from others... master that,,, master control over your need to prove who you are no matter what... your need to read of false ego you need to find who is it that is going to teach the mind how to think.

many have a busy mind, so busy it may seem like few minds are all at work in one head. there are two main categories,  there is the mind that is controlled by the senses, there is another mind who knows more than you think, it has wisdom and reason which will surprise you again and again. the last mind is the one which will help you find a more positive you,  to find that mind and make it strong meditation is recommended , it will in return make you happy, it is that silent observer who need to be heard.    You do that and you are on your way to a better happier you.                                       

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

what is a thougth

What is positive thinking?

Why did a whole new industry sprang out of such a concept? the answer to that,  is the very reality of our economic world, but it also means that there is a great demand for knowledge about how to better oneself. If there is a great demand for it there must be some who for all kinds of reasons cannot access this kind of information even thought they might greatly benefit from it.         
                              First we will find out what a thought is, there are many variations to the answer, however it is my opinion that such a question can only be answered with limitations. Any one study is limited by time location and source of research and the researcher own point of view, if I find one thing more interesting than another I will search in that direction, leaving out all other possibilities, so like Einstein I too believe that we will never have complete knowledge while we are bound by the limitation of our physical body. Yet I believe we can use this limited knowledge to find more of it... and so the bank of human knowledge grows, but none of us can really read it all.... this is our limitation.    
               One way in which I define a thought is:  the application of one’s mind in one direction. It is different to the random flow of thought, which is usually a repetition of something we have experienced through our senses, in one way or another. A real thought will be a fresh one which is the result of contemplation and observation of the situation in hand. But mostly throughout our daily life we function with the automatic pilot button on, not very often we press the off button.
              And so we respond to events in our life in the same way day in and day out. We find it frustrating, mostly we don’t even know why, we only know that we don’t like how it feels. some of us might be content with the way things are going, and we are not really going to grow past the automatic life we have created for ourselves. 
              In order to turn off the automatic pilot we need to know where the off button is. This is where most people need help, there are many reason why most of us don’t know where the off button is, and the true is that for each one of us the off button is located in a different place that is why the help must come from one self, one must find the will power to go searching for that button. Just as people do when they decide to take action and quit whatever addiction they may have.    
               Once the off button is on however, we find ourselves with a new situation, our thoughts seem to be affected by our emotions and therefore controlled by them. One must then learn how to control ones emotions but not through reparation but through understanding of their origin. Than one will have to come to term with what one has found, the result will be growth.  This all comes done to one concept: self awareness.
              Once we are self aware we will have better understanding of everything and everyone.  This is where positive thinking comes in handy, the whole big idea is that you will learn how to stop acting according to your automatic pilot and according to emotions which are holding you back, you will be free to find your full potential and develop your own special gifts.
               I am waiting for the day in which all will be living in the moment, it is then that humanity will grow and the world wide society will live in peace with one another, we will find that life is not about who has more, it is about loving, growing and finding more ways to better ourselves, finally humanity will grow past its technology.  call me a dreamer but everything you see around you has started with a vision and a dream, it is then becomes a reality, like the shirt you are wearing and the movie you are watching, even better, this words you are reading right now, this is the first step I am taking to do what I can for a greater humanity, why don’t you join me?            
Welcome to my hub,
Yours, Lilach Tzingoker

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

your mind is it your friend?

The patten of ones mind is as individual as ones finger prints. at times, when trying to bring ones point across to another, we fail no matter what. It may seem as if although we talk the same language, we hear different words. Often this will lead to an ever turning argument in which no one will be able to get their point across.

lets take as an example a get together of few couples. lets say that they have known each other for some years and get together every so often. As they were sharing experiences, one of them decides to share with his friend an experience he had with his partner while they were over seas. As the story telling progressed, the other half jumped in and tried to steer the story in a different direction, she felt the details were too personal.

They both experienced the event which had unfolded in its own way however they each have seen the event form a different angel. one sees the event as funny and the other find it personal and does not feel she can share it with their friends.

The above is only a light example of a different point of view. The question I am asking you here to ask yourself is not whether or not you know that your patten of thoughts is different, my question to you today is  YOUR MIND, IS IT A  GOOD FRIEND OF YOURS? 

when you are alone with your thoughts does your mind encourage you, or does it put you down?
do you tell yourself that you can't do things? do you judge yourself too harshly? do you allow other people judgment stop you form doing what you want?

For as long as your action and thoughts do not involve hurting other people you should never stop trying!
make a plane of what you want to be and how to get there, don't look for easy ways out, yes success requires hard work, no one gets no where without working hard towards their dreams, it's the only way to get there!       

 in the Bhagavad Gita as it is, 6.5, it is said:

"One must deliver himself with the help of his mind, and not degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, and his enemy as well."

Somewhere somehow ones mind gets on a road, the mind will stay on that road for it has no reason to get off  it. The mind might know, in it's subconscious that it is on the wrong road or on an unhealthy road, but for as long as the owner does not drive it, the mind will steer itself according to its old habits. In such a case the mind can be an enemy. how ever if ones learn to drive ones mind, one can steer it in the right direction and reach new level of self discovery, according to ones own individual ability.

as a parent and an educator you can help the child get on the road which will lead the child to places which deliver happiness and self fulfilment or in other words success. and lets not forget that success should only be measured according to ones own talents and ability.

This is where my book comes in. it is a gentle way of showing the child through adventure the different direction in which one can steer the mind. and I would like to remind the positive encouragement is far more productive than a dominating encouragement. a dominating encouragement can lead the mind onto an unhealthy road.

I welcome you to comment and ask questions, for I will be delighted to learn form you experience just as I would be delighted to share mine.

thank you for reading and please do come to visit again

Lilach Tzingoker
Sonny's Adventure In Mystery Park